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1. megawood® Showroom

On 28.02.2020 we opened the first megawood® showroom, directly in the central terminal of Halle/Leipzig Airport.

The showroom will display the latest megawood® products - to see and touch! Professionals from sales and application technology will soon be available via video chat during office hours.
The showroom itself is open 24 hours a day and is located in the public area of the airport.

We look forward to welcoming every interested visitor, whether dealer, tradesman or homeowner!

Plan your terrace now

For example, to plan a rectangular* megawood® pool terrace, proceed as follows:

Schritt 1
Im Terrassenplaner "Garten" auswählen
Schritt 2
O-förmige Terrasse auswählen und individuelle Maße eingeben
Schritt 3
geplantes Pooldeck in 3D von allen Seiten ansehen

*If you want to plan shapes other than a rectangular terrace, use the freeform tool in our terrace planner.


Application Tip:

Salt water or chlorinated pool water will not leave any permanent washout or fading on the floorboards. So sit back and relax! And if you do want to do something, make sure you clean your decking regularly. This will result in fewer visible signs of wear.